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Please mail all check payments to:  P.O. BOX 266, Hillsboro, MO 63050

Our Address: 4510 Pioneer Rd, Hillsboro, Missouri 63050

The How, Why, and When of Asphalt Care

Hillsboro, Missouri

10 Bullet Points on Asphalt Care

  • Since the liquid asphalt in blacktop needs time to harden and cure, usually 6-12 months, your asphalt will remain somewhat soft and pliable until then. You may walk on your asphalt immediately, but keep automobile traffic off it for at least 3 full days and longer on hotter temperatures. Although not as hard as concrete, your asphalt has many advantages and when fully cured will be very durable.
  • Your asphalt will soften and harden as temperatures rise and fall. Watering down your asphalt with a hose on hot days will cool and temporarily harden the asphalt. This is helpful but not mandatory. If soap suds should appear do not be alarmed. This is a reaction between the diesel fuel found in asphalt and a high chlorine content found in some city water. Although every effort is made to avoid puddles on your asphalt, some small ones are inevitable depending on the natural slope and drainage of your ground. 
  • Your asphalt can be scarred by automobiles starting out too fast, pulling in too quickly, turning around in tight areas and just plain driving too fast. 
  • During the first 6-12 months while your asphalt is curing don’t park in the same spot every time. Do not turn your steering wheel back and forth when your car is not moving. 
  • Avoid using jack stands or car ramps unless a piece of plywood is placed under them to help distribute the weight. 
  • Avoid gasoline, oil, anti-freeze, power steering and transmission fluid spills and leaks. These will dilute the liquid asphalt on your blacktop. Any hole left by these spills should be filled with cold patch. Any hairline cracks that may have developed over the winter due to the contraction and expansion of the ground should be filled with crack filler or sealer. These products can be purchased from your local building supply store or can be professionally applied by your contractor. 
  • Excessive weight from large heavy vehicles can depress your asphalt. Keep oil trucks, concrete trucks and any other heavy trucks off your asphalt. When storing campers and boats for long periods of time, place a piece of plywood under the tongue jack and also under the tires. 
  • Lawn chairs, bicycle and motorcycle kickstands exert weight on concentrated areas and will create holes and depressions on your asphalt. Especially watch out for those pointy high heels during the warm months when your asphalt is new. 
  • The edges are the weakest part of your asphalt due to the lack of side support. Avoid driving on the edges since they will crack and crumble in time. We suggest building up the sides of your asphalt with topsoil to approximately one inch from the top of the asphalt to allow room for sod growth and water drainage. This will support the edges and enhance the appearance after grass is grown.
  • To preserve your asphalt, it is advisable to seal it after it has been paved. Unprotected asphalt remain porous, dry out, become rough, and lose their life rapidly. This results in deterioration, ridges, and upheaval due to frost and freezing. Asphalt is also softened and broken up by gasoline, lube oil, grease, road salts and anti-freeze which drips from cars. Sealer protects asphalt with a coating that is impervious to these harmful elements and also fills and seals hairline cracks. Sealing too soon, however, may cause damage to your asphalt. Consult your paving/sealing contractor for his recommendation on the best time to seal your asphalt. With a professional job and scheduled maintenance, you can preserve the life and beauty of your asphalt for many years to come.

Congratulations! We are pleased that you have entrusted us as your paving contractor.


Michael Haferkamp

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